Key Person of Influence Accelerator

Become one of the most highly visible, valuable and connected people in your industry.

Become one of the most highly visible, valuable and connected people in your industry.

Benchmark your ability to influence in business.

Answer 40 Yes/No questions and get a personalised report that outlines specific actions you can take to improve your score.

At the centre of every industry, there’s an inner circle of its most well-known and highly valued people. They are the Key People of Influence

Success requires more than just a set of technical skills. A Key Person of Influence needs to hone 5 special skills that set them apart.

Perfect Pitch.

The entrepreneur journey is a journey of a thousand pitches. Regardless of how great your product or service is, if you don’t have an amazing pitch, people will always struggle to recognise your value.

In our Pitch learning module and WebClasses, you will:

  • Determine your ideal market niche that will allow you to stand out from the crowd.
  • Design a powerful pitch that inspires you, your potential customers and potential partners, guided by our proven pitch architecture
  • Develop more certainty, clarity and commercial viability than ever before.

Published Content

Publishing through books, blogs, reports and articles builds credibility, authority and attracts fresh opportunity from anywhere in the world.

In our Publish learning module and WebClasses, you will:

  • Delve deep into your mountain of value – your stories,  your experiences and expertise – to identify the key ideas that underpin what you do.
  • Organise and develop these ideas and form them into powerful content that showcases your authority in your field
  • Learn and implement a Publish strategy that allows you to consistently create quality content  that you can easily repurpose in different formats and for different platforms/channels.

Product Ecosystem.

Turning your skills, ideas and talent into products increases the number of people you can add value to, breaks the time-for-money trap, and allows you to spend more time innovating.

In our Product learning module and WebClasses, you will:

  • Create products that ‘prime’ your prospects and ‘pre-sell’ your offering.
  • Develop products that allow you to deliver far more value, increasing the number of people you can serve.
  • Switch from a restricted time/service model to a scalable product/value model.
  • Discover the ideal product ecosystem for your unique business model.

Industry Profile

You are who Google says you are. Being good at what you do is no longer enough – you also need to stand out and be recognised.

In our Profile learning module and WebClasses, you will:

  • Turbo-charge your profile online and offline.
  • Determine your key ‘stories’ and ‘hooks’ that the media and your audience will love.
  • Learn how to outsource the functional aspects of your media strategy.
  • Discover simple tactics that will help ensure Google loves you.
  • Leverage your authentic story and avoid shameless ‘self-promotion’.

Powerful Partnerships.

Creating the right partnerships and joint ventures allows you to scale. But until you’ve established yourself as a Key Person of Influence, it’s nearly impossible to meet eye-to-eye and get the breakthrough deal.

In our Partnership learning module and WebClasses, you will:

  • Discover how to package your value in preparation for a game-changing Joint Venture.
  • Identify the perfect Joint Venture partners for your business.
  • Learn how to pitch your Joint Venture so that you get a fair deal.
  • Develop a partnership strategy to enhance your brand, increase your products and widen your distribution or reach.

What's Included

eLearning Portal

Understand all the key ideas and principles to becoming a Key Person of Influence. With hours of content available on demand, you can review the modules as your best thinking evolves.

Our Portal will enable you to unpack your brain, set goals and track your progress, and download templates and resources that you can use to create all the assets a Key Person of Influence should never be without.

A Dent Coach will be assigned to each accountability group, and will facilitate 6 of your GSD meetings. 1:1 sessions are available at an additional cost.

BlockBuster Sessions

If you are feeling a bit stuck or needing more clarity, this will be your venue to ask questions and receive invaluable feedback and insights from highly-successful entrepreneurs who have been through the KPI program.

Private Global Community

Each entrepreneur in our Key Person of Influence community has been specially selected for the Accelerator, so you’re in good company.

Get recommendations, feedback and introductions you can trust, from peers who’ll speak the same entrepreneurial language.

Live WebClasses

Move from theory to practice with our live WebClasses facilitated by experienced mentors. Understand what the key strategies look like in the real world, and how it could look like for you with the right implementation.

Our WebClasses are designed to be engaging and interactive, with opportunities to ask questions, discuss with your groups, and use canvases and facilitation tools to get you refining your implementation strategy in real time.

Asset Sprints

Create the Pitch, Publish, Product, Profile and Partnership assets that will do the heavy-lifting in your business.

Each Asset Sprint has been developed to ensure you keep moving and creating in the right direction, so that you’re properly equipped and show up in all the right ways at any given moment.

Who is the Key Person of Influence for?

Years of industry experience

Years of industry experience

You are an entrepreneur or business leader who has years of experience in your industry, and would like to further establish your influence within that industry in order to grow and scale the business.

Too involved in day-to-day

Too involved in day-to-day

You’re often busy working in the business rather than on it, but would like the time and the space to do so. The Key Person of Influence Accelerator is designed with busy people in mind, and our clients achieve their results while they continue to run their business and implement what they learn on the accelerator

Small team in place

Small team in place

You have a small team around you who can help you implement and leverage all the strategies and output from this programme, as the Key Person of Influence Accelerator is designed to put an emphasis on doing and creating. Our clients are often able to free up time immediately following our WebClasses, as they walk away with briefs that they can easily delegate or outsource.

Wins from our Key Person of Influence Community

Founder & CEO of Gift Wellness, Lecturer, Author and Speaker

“For me, the product ecosystem is about the triple bottomline: people, planet, profit.

What attracted me to Dent was the fact that they love to work with entrepreneurs who actually want to make a difference in the world, at the same time as building a profitable business.

I look back at my business before Dent, and it’s completely transformed. In just one year, my product range has tripled in size and each product has its own ecosystem for engaging the right customers.”

Zareen Ahmed

Founder and CEO of Driver61, British Racing Driver.

“I did the Key Person of Influence programme.

It really helped me to organise my ideas and have a bit more strategy involved. I was just kind of throwing things at the wall before and seeing what would happen, and didn’t step back to see how organised things should be.

I’ve always been a self-employed coach, always had my own thing. I’d never been inside what we would call ‘a proper business’ and hadn’t seen the processes before, and KPI really helped me to understand that.”

Scott Mansell

Property Investor, Bestselling Author, Co-Founder of HMOHeaven

“I first read Key Person of Influence in 2016.

We were just starting out and the idea of having all the assets Daniel was talking about like books, videos, blogs and everything online, seemed just so, so far away.

I joined the Key Person of Influence Accelerator in November 2019 and it’s one of the best investments we’ve ever made in our business. What I learned in the Accelerator helped me see our mountain of value and share it in a more intentional way which has transformed what we do and the impact we have.

There have been so many benefits that’s it’s difficult to know where to start so here are a few highlights from the past 18 months.

  • Wrote and published our first book, Rent 2 Rent Success, which became a number 1 best-selling book on launch. Since then it has remained in the top 10 books in Real Estate on Amazon and achieved over 160 5-star reviews within 6 months of publication.
  • Launched the Rent 2 Rent Success Podcast which is in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally.
  • Been featured in Entrepreneur magazine, Business Insider, Property Investor Today as well as national newspapers including The Telegraph, The Daily Mirror and The Sun and others.
  • Been asked to appear on four television programmes as a property expert.
  • Our monthly website traffic has increased an incredible 27x since we joined KPI and started implementing the content strategies.
  • We’ve help thousands of people transform their lives through ethical property business.
  • We ‘make a dent’ by giving to projects we believe in via B1G1
  • Achieved more working fewer hours and with more fun incorporating the systems taught step by step in KPI.

Finally, what I value most is the wonderful connections I’ve made with fellow entrepreneurs in the KPI community. It’s so good to be part of a community of people all aiming to be exceptional.”

Stephanie Taylor

Bestselling Author and Founder of Innovation Beehive

“What KPI allows you to do is to really focus and to move with pace.

I have never regretted it for a minute. In just over a year on from doing the programme, our business went from one employee and one virtual PA to five employees.

Our business has almost doubled in size, and we have clients in the UK, in Europe, the Middle East and North America. We partnered with Google, and they launched my book. I thought, ‘I’m never going to have the time to write that book,’ but it’s the single most important thing I ever did. It has completely set us apart from everyone out there.”

Mok O'Keeffe

Time Management Expert, Speaker and Author. CEO of TimeStyers.

“A key for me on my business journey with KPI was the whole process of unpacking my IP

and productising every element of my business. So I had the product I thought I was going to grow, but what I soon learned was that I had taken for granted that what I thought was common sense, was actually my intellectual property.

By undertaking that process of unpacking that intellectual property, not only was I able to offer greater value and more products to my clients, but I was able to create additional income streams for me.”

Kate Christie
Key Person of Influence Accelerator LEARN MORE