Startup Accelerator

Join the Entrepreneur Revolution, organise the CAOS and feel the future expand before you.

Join the Entrepreneur Revolution, organise the CAOS and feel the future expand before you.

Benchmark your ability to create and sustain periods of high demand..

Answer 40 Yes/No questions and receive a report on how you can improve your campaigns to get – and stay – oversubscribed.

Being self-employed means having to contend with sales, marketing, administration and all the various operations require without being paid more for these roles. It’s lonely, it’s hard and often feels unrewarding.
A business is different. It has a life of its own. It can employ people. It can afford to pay healthy incomes, and the owner can take a holiday. A business has promise – it could be global, make an impact and create some real wealth for those involved.

If you’re ready to cross over from being self-employed to being an entrepreneur and forming a business, you need to master the CAOS:

Clear Concept.

You need an answer for the basic questions people will ask: What’s this product or service about? What problem does it solve? Why should people listen to you?

In our Concept WebClasses, you will:

  • Get a deeper understanding of your passion for your business concept and align it to your origin story.
  • Understand and articulate the problems and pains that your business concept addresses for your ideal client.
  • Establish the value that you offer for your clients and how you can get paid for it.

Engaged Audience.

Before you worry about ‘the market’ of people who’ll buy from you, first consider identifying and building your audience: people who are first willing to pay attention to what you have to say and offer.

In our Audience WebClasses, you will:

  • Clearly identify your acceptable client, ideal client and aspirational client in great detail
  • Articulate your ideal client’s pains and problems in engaging content that captures their attention and opens the door for engagement
  • Create an audience strategy that maps out how you can collect signals of interest

Compelling Offer.

Develop a product or service that is a full and remarkable solution that people can buy, and make it easy for them to buy it with the right collateral.

In our Offer WebClasses, you will:

  • Formulate your full and remarkable solution to your ideal client’s pains and problems
  • Develop your unique method for delivering your packaged solution so that it allows you to escape the time-for-money trap
  • Create the right assets and collateral that clearly communicates your offer and prepares you for a sales conversation

Consistent Sales.

To do the work you must win the work. You need to maintain a rhythm of consistent leads, appointments, presentations and sales (LAPS). 

In our Sales WebClasses, you will:

  • Determine the right LAPS numbers are for your business, and how to track and maintain them
  • Learn our proven sales methodology that primes people to buy, without leaving you feeling ‘salesy’
  • Discover effective ways to handle objections from prospective clients
  • Understand how to structure your sales conversations so that it’s valuable for both you and your prospective client

What's Included

eLearning Portal

Master the foundations of value and all the StartUp essentials with our eLearning Portal. With hours of content available on demand, you can review the modules as your best thinking evolves.

Our Portal will enable you to unpack your brain, set goals and track your progress, and download templates and resources that you can use to create the assets every StartUp needs to do business and make sales.

Accountability Check-Ins

Keep up your momentum with the support of entrepreneurs who are on the same StartUp journey.

You’ll have a new Accountability Group each month so that you can meet different members, and gain insights and feedback from various perspectives.

Monthly Q&As

Feeling a bit stuck or needing more clarity? Join your mentors in a live webinar every month, so you can ask questions, get feedback and stay the course.

If you can’t make it live, recordings are made available in the private forum so you can catch up.

Private Global Community

Each entrepreneur in our StartUp community has been specially selected for the Accelerator, so you’re in good company.

Get recommendations, feedback and introductions you can trust, from peers who’ll speak the same entrepreneurial language.

Live WebClasses

Move from theory to practice with our live WebClasses facilitated by experienced mentors who’ve successfully accelerated through the StartUp phase.

Our WebClasses are designed to be engaging and interactive, with opportunities to ask questions, discuss with your groups, and use canvases and facilitation tools to get you refining your implementation strategy in real time.

Asset Sprints

Create the Concept, Audience, Offer and Sales assets that will do the heavy-lifting in your business.

Each Asset Sprint has been developed to ensure you keep moving and creating in the right direction, so that you’re properly equipped to get your business off the ground and have a steady rhythm of leads and sales.

Who is the StartUp Accelerator for?

Currently self-employed

Currently self-employed

You’re a self-employed professional who makes your services available typically on a freelancing or contractor basis, often trading time for money.

Early stages

Early stages

You’re an entrepreneur who’s in the early stages of business and maintaining a full-time or part-time job for your main source of income.

Stuck in StartUp mode

Stuck in StartUp mode

You’re an entrepreneur who’s been in business for a while, but feel stuck as your business is unable to expand operations and generate higher revenues.

Wins from our StartUp Community

Presentation Coach, Founder of Ideas on Stage UK

“My business was not a business.

It was just an idea as I wasn’t making any sales. I was making a lot of videos on social media thinking that that alone was a good strategy. The thought of offering something for even £1,000 was unimaginable for me. And I used to start a sales conversation without really knowing what to expect and what to say.

The programme helped me create a full and remarkable solution which is so appealing to my audience. I’ve learned how to stop selling time for money and instead selling programmes which create a real transformation for my clients and can be offered at a much higher price. Every time I want to offer a new service, I know how to put together a very appealing offer. And I’ve learned more in one Sales session in this programme than in 7 years in my corporate role.”

Andrea Pacini

Executive Coach, Author, Founder of Abounding Solutions

“Before starting I was getting a lot of recognition for my work,

and had worked with some great organisations and private clients. However, the consistency of business was not at the level I wanted. I knew that to take my business to the next level, I needed the right kind of support.

By gaining the clarity I have gained about my business, who my audience is and what I have to offer, I feel I’ve laid a solid foundation that is taking my business to the next level. I have refined things in a way that makes me clearer about the value I have to offer, and as a result, makes what I have to offer more attractive.

In November 2019, LinkedIn invited me to write a regular newsletter which I write for introverted women leaders. In one year it has grown from 0 subscribers to over 52,000. I regularly receive messages and comments from women (and men) worldwide about how much my work has helped them.”

Carol Stewart

Digital Marketing and Lead Generation Consultant

“I had two successful businesses before the Accelerator –

one product-based and one service-based. However I didn’t know how to package up what I had learnt through growing those businesses into an ‘offer’. I was jumping around different courses/ strategies, all without any real result. I needed focus and to go ‘all in’ one on strategy. This became the CAOS strategy.

My business has completely changed. I now have a packaged core offering which is delivering tremendous value for clients (helped one client generate 10,000 qualified leads in 3 months), but remains profitable and scalable for me. I have just had two £10k+ revenue months, am generating more leads for myself than ever, being asked to speak to other people’s audiences and building a community of clients who are excited to work with me.”

Tim Gutteridge

Brand Strategist and Founder of The Brand Atelier

“Before joining the StartUp Accelerator, I was full of doubt about what my concept should be

and was having a bit of an identity crisis. I was distracted by all the shiny pennies out there and feeling overwhelmed with what I needed to do to get a business off the ground.

Fast forward to today and I have a firm concept in place, I’m finally charging my worth and working with clients who I genuinely love working with. Dent provided structure, proven strategies, and an environment where success was normalised which really propelled my business into something I never imagined it could be.”

Sameera Desai

Body Transformation Coach, Author and Founder of Gokay Fitness

“I was a one-man band working every hour of the day, 6.5 days a week.

I now have a team of personal trainers and a part time admin person. I am still working in the business, but I can now leverage the time so that I develop my business even further when my trainers are taking the workload from me.

I wrote a book fitness workbook called ‘Get Fit Stay Fit For Men Over 40’. And I increased my sales 66% compared to 2019 – and this happened in the lockdown even!

I learnt the value of creating packages and charging thousands rather than hundreds. Winning now is having lots of Strategy Calls in a week, booked by my admin assistant, pitching and converting them on my strategy calls, and delegating them to my team of trainers. It’s AWESOME!”

Gokay Kurtuldum
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